Timon was diagnosed with HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy) in February 2021. He was hospitalized for a few days and could return home with diuretics, blood thinner and medication against high blood pressure. Luckily, he recovered pretty well, and Heike could reduce the medication after a few months. However, in February 2022, his ventricular wall had thickened again. As Heike discovered my new energetic HCM clearing protocol, we talked about it, and I had the pleasure of working with Timon. First, re received a comprehensive Advanced Auric Clearing, followed by a few special HCM clearing sessions, focusing on clearing the source of the HCM symptoms.
We are back from the vets!
Timon’s ventricular wall looked great; the thickeneing process has stopped! YEAH
Also his kidney results were better, and the rest of his blood count looks great.
The cardiologist suggested focusing on teeth restoration as his heart is now stable. The risk for him as an HCM patient would only be 10%.
Overall, fantastic news
, we already knew how well he was doing, and the vet was suprised in a very positive way
Timon went through an amazing transformation. He had a pretty heavy heart wall around his heart chakra. Very sensitive at his core, Timon came across as a tough boss cat. All of that has softened as well, and he opened up a lot during these four weeks. As the heart wall could be cleared, there isn’t a lot in place the dis-ease can manifest from.
Update March 2023
Again excellent news from Timon’s cardiologist! And no, Timon had no further HCM cat code clearings…
Hello, dear Tamara! Timon and I have just come home from the be-annual heart ultrasound
! What can I say,
absolutely nothing has changed! No further thickening, everything is stable! The kidney values were also stable, even dropped a bit! But we knew that anyway, just wanted to get it confirmed
Thank you so much, Timon and Heike
Learn more about cat code clearing
Disclaimer: This modality does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. Energy clearing practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Instead, this modality is always based on and in alignment with the veterinary diagnosis.