“Creatinine reduced from 327 to 221; T4 back in reference!” – These are, in one sentence, my brilliant results for Hubertus’ CKD and hypothyroidism with my Advanced Auric Clearing and the Cat Code Clearing work.
Today, I would like to share Hubertus’s full story with you. As you know, I work with everything I learn, always with myself and my cats first, before creating an offer for you! Since spring 2022, Hubertus has been getting his Advanced Aura Clearing and Cat Code Clearing for CKD and the one to combat hyperthyroidism.
His creatinine was 3.7 mg/dl (=327 in March 2022. That meant for him, with all other parameters to be considered, IRIS stage 3. Since November 2021, we have been in the process of stopping his hyperthyroidism. In March this year, his T4 value was again just below the lower reference range (0.6). So the creatinine value now reflected reality since the now-regulated hyperthyroidism could no longer mask it. Then, Hubertus no longer received Thyronorm in consultation with his veterinarian. But he got my Advanced auric clearing and my cat code clearing every other week.
In March, Hubertus also had a so-called “kidney coat,” i.e., his coat was dull and greasy in the lower body area. He didn’t have a good appetite. Eating wasn’t his thing back then. He then received from me regularly, (initially weekly, later monthly) clearings–Advanced Auric Clearing and then Cat Code Clearings. And each time, his condition improved, and by November, we could now see in his blood profile that his better condition also matched a much better diagnosis. He drank a lot and still goes to the cat fountain several times daily. No signs of dehydration. His fur began to shine again, and he had a much better appetite and ate much better.
In November, I wanted to have his blood values checked. Lo and behold: the creatinine value had improved from 3.7 mg/dl to 2.5 mg/dl (=221 ! That’s a whole IRIS stage of improvement–from stage 3 to stage 2) ! And his T4 value was now back in the middle of the reference range. And to anticipate your potential question: No, Hubertus did not and currently does not receive any homeopathy to fight his CKD.
Check out Hubertus’ blood profiles in March 2022 and November 2022. I converted the results from mg/dl into umol/L with MediCalc:
More on Advanced Auric Clearing and Cat Code Clearing