Feb 4, 2023
“Lotti made quantum leaps!” – Allowing a scared kitten to make “quantum leaps” is simply fantastic! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Christiane, for your beautiful feedback regarding my work!
For the third time, I used the energetic help of Tamara Schenk.
Preferably for my cats, but also for me.
Cat reunions are often not easy, especially since I always adopt animal welfare cats, which have heavy packages to carry.
Even when my soul cat died, Tamara helped me to overcome my grief.
Tamara’s work with Lotti was genuinely remarkable. Lotti was traumatized, very fearful, and shy.
Actually not adoptable.
She lived with us for three weeks under the bed, only coming out at night.
After Tamara’s energetic treatment, there was an almost quantum leap of improvement.
Lotti came out during the day and courageously and openly approached our cat Smilla.
She started communicating with us…playing, exploring…with an enormous zest for life.
This development started after Tamara’s treatment and progressed within a short time.
A pleasure to watch and experience.
We look forward to further growth with Lotti and Smilla.
Many thanks, Tamara.
Advanced Auric Clearing, Trauma Clearing
Dec 18, 2022
I am delighted about Anja’s lovely feedback on my work with her cat group. It all started with her cat Ernie, who had licked his belly raw and parts of his legs. Between August and November, Advanced Aura Clearing and Trauma Clearing allowed him to let go of many energetic blockages from past experiences. And he gained a lot more trust and inner peace. Thank you, dear Anja, for your trust!
My cat Ernie had licked his belly raw. He was still “half naked” in May and had several unsuccessful treatments based on conventional medicine.
It turned out that stress and past traumas made him lick himself for hours. The turning point came when I started working energetically with him in March. Energetic spinal straightening, animal communication (to identify and remove stressors), bioresonance, and then several aura-clearing sessions with Tamara starting in August – hard to say which worked the most; everything was necessary, maybe the whole package, too.
Tamara’s aura-clearing and trauma-clearing sessions have supported his process in a big way and amplified his healing process significantly. Ernie is entirely “furred” again and overall more relaxed, curious, and happy than he was in the first years of his life.
At first, I was surprised how much time Tamara takes and how much contact she has with the animal. Her assessments of my cats were all very, very consistent and accurate!
In the meantime, all my cats have had an aura clearing, and I can’t say for sure today… but the bonus clearing may have helped Lucy stop peeing in the house… Amazing!
Thank you very much, dear Tamara! My recommendation comes from my heart…
More on Advanced Auric Clearing and Trauma Clearing.
Oct 21, 2022
A few weeks ago, Saskia asked me for help. It was about two rescued tomcats of her cat group, Nils and Lasse. Nils, who was carrying a lot of trauma around, didn’t think it was a good idea at all that Lasse moved in after the death of another member of the cat group. Nils stayed outside longer, making it clear that he didn’t like it at all. And Lasse was still in his onboarding phase, and he, too, had already experienced traumatic events. Both got more and more into fights. Lasse and Nils received an Advanced Aura Clearing first and individual trauma-clearing sessions tailored for them.
I am so happy about Saskia’s beautiful feedback on Lasse’s and Nils’ development!
Today I have to write to you about Lasse. Since you worked with him, he has changed. He has become very cuddly. Overall, he is much calmer and more relaxed. He also radiates it. Somehow I think he feels at home more and more every day. I think he feels very comfortable here because he can be who he is here. Lasse likes his home 😃 and our senior cat; both always nudge each other now. I feel like he’s thriving, and I admire his fluffy body every day 🥰
I think we all make him happy 😃 and he is happy, too 🐈
Thank you so much for your fantastic work🥰
Nils receives additional trauma-clearing sessions, as he experienced much more trauma than Lasse. And, also Nils makes a lot of progress:
Nils is slowly “melting.” In the meantime, he is approaching his bowl even when Lasse is near bye. He needs a moment or two, but he does it and eats next to him. And he comes again every day to me for his cuddles.
More on Advanced Auric Clearing and Trauma Clearing
Aug 15, 2022
Are you considering learning Advanced Aura Clearing or Trauma Clearing and becoming a certified practitioner? Are you in doubt and asking yourself if you could also learn this? You can learn and achieve everything you receive from your Higher Self, everything you believe in and can imagine.
I have clients with no previous expertise who are now successful Advanced Auric Clearing Practitioners. And I have clients like Nadine who come from the world of Reiki. In my certification training, we create a solid foundation for everyone as a baseline from which you can learn and grow.
Nadine became a Certified Advanced Auric Clearing Practitioner a few months ago, and she is already achieving outstanding results with her human and animal clients. Thank you so much for your trust and for approaching your certification program with a beginner’s mind! It is a great pleasure to witness your growth and teach you all about trauma clearing now!
I have a 3rd Reiki degree and already lots of experience with energetic healing methods. I work with humans and animals and have a mobile animal healing practice. With the certification as an Advanced Auric Clearing Practitioner, I can now expand my healing practice and help my clients on a deeper, quantum level.
In the certification program with Tamara, I could first experience the clearings, then learn and start to apply them. Through the clearings I received, lots of blockages were cleared, a new inner balance was established, and inner transformation and growth processes were initiated. I became aware of my path as a healer and decided to start my business. I integrated week after week by practicing on selected testimonials and gaining great experience. I also support my own animals and those of my customers as part of my alternative therapist work with auric clearings.
I am currently completing the Trauma Clearing Practitioner Training Program. Tamara also guides me weekly during my certification. With every step we take, I feel growing further inside and becoming more clairvoyant and intuitive.
I wholeheartedly recommend the Advanced Auric Clearing Certification and the Trauma Clearing Practitioner Certification.
Would you like to discover your soul’s mission, grow and implement it, and get into your divine power? Then you are in the right place with Tamara’s certifications.
More about Advanced Auric Clearing Certification
More to Nadine’s work here and here.
Aug 3, 2022
Timon was diagnosed with HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy) in February 2021. He was hospitalized for a few days and could return home with diuretics, blood thinner and medication against high blood pressure. Luckily, he recovered pretty well, and Heike could reduce the medication after a few months. However, in February 2022, his ventricular wall had thickened again. As Heike discovered my new energetic HCM clearing protocol, we talked about it, and I had the pleasure of working with Timon. First, re received a comprehensive Advanced Auric Clearing, followed by a few special HCM clearing sessions, focusing on clearing the source of the HCM symptoms.
We are back from the vets! Timon’s ventricular wall looked great; the thickeneing process has stopped! YEAH Also his kidney results were better, and the rest of his blood count looks great.
The cardiologist suggested focusing on teeth restoration as his heart is now stable. The risk for him as an HCM patient would only be 10%.
Overall, fantastic news , we already knew how well he was doing, and the vet was suprised in a very positive way
Timon went through an amazing transformation. He had a pretty heavy heart wall around his heart chakra. Very sensitive at his core, Timon came across as a tough boss cat. All of that has softened as well, and he opened up a lot during these four weeks. As the heart wall could be cleared, there isn’t a lot in place the dis-ease can manifest from.
Update March 2023
Again excellent news from Timon’s cardiologist! And no, Timon had no further HCM cat code clearings…
Hello, dear Tamara! Timon and I have just come home from the be-annual heart ultrasound ! What can I say, absolutely nothing has changed! No further thickening, everything is stable! The kidney values were also stable, even dropped a bit! But we knew that anyway, just wanted to get it confirmed
Thank you so much, Timon and Heike
Learn more about cat code clearing
Disclaimer: This modality does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. Energy clearing practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Instead, this modality is always based on and in alignment with the veterinary diagnosis.