Case Study Andrea, Nono, Leo, and Bonnie – “We are all delighted!”

Case Study Andrea, Nono, Leo, and Bonnie – “We are all delighted!”

I’m glad to share another case study with you: “We are all delighted!” is Andrea’s story with Nono, Leo and Bonnie.

Initial Challenges

When Andrea first contacted me, it was all about her black cat Nono. She adopted him from less than ideal circumstances, and he adjusted pretty well over the years. However, he developed one of these undesired behaviors that can be very challenging for cat owners, especially if it’s going on for many months. Nono put his excrements in front of the litter box but no longer inside the litterbox.

Andrea had an accident when I started working with Nono clearing all blockages in his auric field. She broke her leg in a complicated way that required surgery and a couple of months to recover at home—an extreme situation for Andrea and her feline friends.

However, Andrea looked positively at the situation–now was the time to focus on the inner work for herself and all her cats, not only Nono. So, we started with the entire trauma clearing program, and I also incorporated her cats Leo, an adopted former stray cat with lots of “trauma baggage,” and Bonnie, her female boss cat. Andrea is compassionate, and she sensed immediately that the accident wasn’t a coincidence and that she was now asked to focus on herself, too.

Solution over three months

Advanced Aura Clearing

We started with an Advanced Auric Clearing to clear all blockages in the energy field of Andrea, Nono, Bonnie, and Leo. For Andrea, the auric work was also crucial for her healing process because, after surgery, the integrity of the auric field must be reestablished. Nono needed a while to trust me and this process; I had to clear a lot of deep sitting fear and worries first, and it was the same with Leo, the former stray cat. Bonnie was a lot more relaxed right from the beginning. Nono started to build trust, and he became step by step more open toward Andrea.

Clearing karmic imprints

The next important step was clearing their karmic imprints. We focused on clearing inherited karmic imprints first to clear all karmic imprints they received from their genetic parents. Then, I cleared past life karma, which has a massive impact on this lifetime, followed by relationship karma. The latter is very important for animals as we mainly clear their past negative human/animal relationships. And for humans, clearing relationship karma always creates a massive shift. This step is often underestimated, but also animals come with lots of relationship “baggage.” Especially for Nono and Leo, this clearing was very impactful.

Clearing various traumas

Then, we were ready to tackle the core–clearing traumas. Andrea decided on the whole trauma clearing sequence, so we cleared past life traumas, including retrieving lost soul facets. Then, we worked on clearing prenatal/birth and childhood traumas. These clearings are usually the most important ones with the most significant impact. For humans and animals alike, what we experience during the time in the womb, at birth, and during childhood defines most of our life experience as adults–if we don’t take the opportunity and clear all traumas that occurred during this time. For Nono and Lea, there was a lot to clear. Additionally, we worked on soul-level traumas that were incredibly impactful for Andrea, as well as on all remaining emotional and mental traumas.

Transformation für Andrea, Nono, Leo, and Bonnie

Finally, Nono stopped during the last few weeks of the program to put his excrements in front of the litter box. He communicated with Andrea and said, „you don’t need to check it; it’s over.”

Nono experienced a huge transformation. The sensitive cat, who liked to pretend to have everything under control, needed some time to build trust and enjoy our work. He transformed step by step, became more open, requested more cuddling, built more self-esteem, and the undesired behavior was a thing of the past. Yeah! Clearing childhood trauma was heavy for him; he first needed more time to integrate the session before showing his vast transformation.

Leo could let go of lots of past trauma and build more trust. His main “trauma trigger“ was to have no exit. If the vacuum cleaner stood in his way and he felt not to have an exit for himself, he panicked. As a former stray cat, you can imagine that the time in the womb of his mother was already stressful and focused on surviving. And that led most definitely to a stressful birth and a tough childhood. Towards the end of our program, he was even able to manage the painter in Andrea’s house.

Bonnie, the wise, feline soul in the background, who gently orchestrates and balances the cat group without being too “bossy,” could also enjoy the program and shift her energy.

Andrea got rid of various childhood traumas that impacted her adult life a lot, relationship traumas, and, of course, the trauma of her accident. Lots of old “trauma triggers” could be cleared, and she became a lot more centered, relaxed, at peace with herself, and she increased her essential trust a lot.

„We went through the whole trauma clearing program with Tamara with auric, karma, and trauma clearing, for myself and my three cats (Bonnie, 14, and Nono, 11 and Leo, 7). Bonnie is the sovereign in the background, adopted from an animal shelter. Nono is also a rescued cat; he was very defensive, invisible, who lived the first three months under my bed. Leo is a former stray cat from Egypt, adorable but with many trauma triggers.

After my accident, it was the ideal time to work on ourselves. We all benefitted a lot from working with Tamara. I used the time to clear many old trauma chapters. And especially, Nono transformed a lot. He is more accessible; he even requests cuddles, which never happened before. And finally, he stopped putting his excrements in front of the litter box. That was our problem for almost a year, and nothing else has helped before. So, we are all delighted 😊”

Check out my services page to learn more about my integrated trauma clearing program

This modality does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. Energy practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Case Study Morpheus – “He has completely changed!”

Case Study Morpheus – “He has completely changed!”

Challenges when Andrea contacted me

Morpheus, a 12-year-old cat, was very sad and experienced lots of stress when his owner Andrea contacted me. “It cannot go on like this. Something has to happen very fast, “Andrea summarized the challenges she experienced with Morpheus.

After the death of his feline friend Max, Morpheus’ world broke into pieces, although it didn’t always look like the two had a very close relationship. After the transition of Max, Morpheus spent more and more time under blankets or the duvet in the bedroom. He was most of the time alone and didn’t participate in the family’s life. Additionally, he started scratching himself heavily.

Morpheus’ life wasn’t always easy. He was taken away from his mother way too early and adopted as a single kitten, which led to the fact that he didn’t experience real “cat education.” He lived in a household as just the cat for many years. His owners back then didn’t spend lots of time with him. Now, in his lovely forever home, he is finally heard, seen, and loved. He is considered a cherished family member.

And then, his friend and feline guide, cat Max, passed away. Max provided security, safety, orientation, and he was the one who led the cat group. Now, Morpheus lost his direction, guidance, and the structure Max has put in place for all the cats. His world was in pieces. Again.

The solution over two months, together with the owner

Step #1: Cat talk, advanced auric clearing, and chakra activation:

Morpheus communicated how desperate he was, that after Max’s death, his life didn’t make sense for him anymore, and his world broke again into pieces. Once again, he felt left behind. However, his suffering was so immense that he was open to new ways of addressing his challenges.

He had many attachments in his auric field that I cleared first. All his embodied chakras had energetic blockages, especially his head chakras and, as to be expected, his heart chakra. I also his morphogenetic chakras and all energetic root causes of physical symptoms. Andrea sent me a message the next day that Morpheus would have already changed significantly–for the better. One week after the first session, I activated all his chakras to 100% energy holding frequency.

Step #2: Integrating all cats of the family

If one member of a cat group receives energetic treatment, the dynamic of the whole group is impacted and also changing. That’s why it’s recommended to involve the entire cat group to get them all again on the same energy frequency, the same “wavelength.”

We involved Naja and Taps as well. Morpheus considered Taps stressful, and Naja, the elderly cat lady, didn’t want to be involved in any of these challenges. All three cats had an auric clearing and a cat communication and could share their perspectives.

Senior cat Naja observed everything but didn’t want to get involved in any issues of Morpheus and Taps. The gap that was a result of Max’s death was also nothing she desired to close. She prefers to stay in the observer role. Taps opened up more and more. It became apparent that he was also suffering from a lack of cat socialization. And as a result of that, he also suffers from a lack of trust. As an abandoned child of a feral cat, he was raised by Andrea, and he is very focused on her as the center of his world. He became aware of his jealousy and learned that love doesn’t need to be divided; love is growing instead.

Step #3: Clearing trauma from birth, childhood, and adult life

Based on Morpheus and Tap’s childhood challenges, it was crucial to clear their birth and childhood trauma. Everything that happens during birth and childhood impacts the cats’ entire life. It’s the same with humans.

Step #4: Clearing inherited karmic imprints and karmic ties

During the cat communications, it became apparent that there were many karmic ties between the cats and between all three cats and their humans. I cleared these karmic ties. Additionally, each cat had lots of inherited karmic imprints in their “baggage.” I also cleared those karmic imprints for all three cats.

Transformation–Morpheus is enjoying his new life

Morpheus experienced a tremendous transformation. “He completely changed for the better, “says Andrea. A few days after the first appointment, I received beautiful images with Morpheus in the living room and outside on a garden chair. He began to enjoy his life with his family again. He enjoyed the morning sun, wanted to be in Andrea’s arms to receive endless cuddles, and he even relaxed with his cat dad in the garden. “He changed completely; it’s so beautiful to experience, “said Andrea.

After integrating all cats, also Taps changed, became more centered and calmer. Morpheus and Taps were sitting together in the kitchen a few days later, which didn’t happen for a long time. Naja continued to stay in the observer role.

For a short time, symptoms of stress occurred for Morpheus and Taps. Morpheus went back under the duvet. It was a great indication that we had to go deeper and determine the next steps – clearing trauma of birth, childhood, and adult life.

After clearing the trauma, Morpheus and Taps experienced a lasting, positive transformation. Morpheus enjoys his life with his family, indoors and in the garden. Especially outdoors, he loves to jump on Andrea’s arms. The quality of their relationship became even more profound. Love, trust, closeness. Beautiful.

“Morpheus is happy again and enjoys his new life; he has completely changed, “says Andrea, summarizing the tremendous transformation of Morpheus.

Thank you so much, dear Morpheus; you have touched me deeply! And thanks so much, Andrea, for your trust!


Check out my services page to learn more about my integrated trauma clearing program

This modality does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. Energy practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.